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Page history last edited by Charlene Chausis 14 years, 7 months ago

Off Task:

Websites and Web Tools You Didn't Know You Needed


...Resources collected for a BYOL workshop


Let's go!

Click a link on the sidebar to begin your journey...

or follow the links below:


Quick link to the PD Calendar: Online_PD


Originally presented at: 

NECC (National Education Computing Conference), June 2008,

San Antonio, TX ... (archived on uStream.tv)

And, live-blogged by Alice Mercer at http://mizmercer.edublogs.org/2008/06/29/necc-2008-session-2/


Monday, June 30 -- 11:00am - 12:00pm

Grand Hyatt Lone Star Ballroom C


by your host: Charlene Chausis

… AND … hopefully with contributions from YOU!



IL-TCE (Illinois Technology Conference for Educators) Feb. 29, 2008,

St. Charles, IL  (also archived on uStream.tv)


For maximum benefit, educators are highly encouraged to extend their knowledge by setting up a social bookmarking account. Delicious.com is a great place to begin. (Note, Delicious.com is now owned by Yahoo, and requires a Yahoo account to be created. This has changed from the original information shared in 2008).


Step one: Set up a del.icio.us account!

  Caution: del.icio.us may be blocked in some districts (because of it's social nature). If del.icio.us is not blocked at your school, consider

setting up a del.icio.us account for teachers and students at your school. Give the teachers a "common" login and password, and install the tags on their computers so the entire community can add to the resources. See this example from Todd Hall:  http://del.icio.us/Todd_Hall


What is del.icio.us?

Learn from CommonCraft's "Plain English" series:


YouTube plugin error


More on "Social Bookmarking" from David Jakes



Follow me as I learn:





Did you know.... check out the top 100 Educator tools (from Sept. 2007 survey)




And learn EVEN MORE! from others.... (please feel free to add your link here!)


Webtools for you to use: http://webtools4u2use.wikispaces.com/


Free Tools for Teachers wiki from Monroe BOCES


Beth Pollock Burke's "F.R.E.E. (Free Resources for the Enthusiastic Educator)" wiki


Susan Brooks-Young's "Web Tools for Educators" wiki


Great websites reviewed


Helen Lazzaro's excellent Tutor4U wiki


Jen Wagner's (a.k.a. technospud) ABC of Web 2.0 tools


From Vicki Davis (a.k.a. coolcatteacher) -- a list of 38 in honor of her birthday. Thanks Vicki!!





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