

Page history last edited by Charlene Chausis 16 years, 4 months ago

Recording tools:


Record voice comments on your webpage or blog with a widget from

Capture your voice using  EvocaMic™, or phone in a recording from your cell phone. Voila! You've created podcast "content"! Evoca provides rss feeds too! Share recordings with other Evoca users. Go ahead, leave your message! 


YouTube plugin error


NOTE: Evoca is no longer free. Evoca offers an educator account for a $29.99 yearly fee. A newly discovered free alternative is "Audio Dropbox" from CLEAR, (Center for Language Education And Research at Michigan State University). Visit the website for Audio Dropboxes and other "Rich Internet Applications for Language Learning"


Try it! - Your own audio broadcast, where you can easily record voice messages, mix in your favorite music, and share it all for the world to hear. "So easy your Grandma can do it." User your phone for an easy way to record a podcast. Just call 1-888-65-GCAST, enter your ID and PIN code, and start recording!
 - Similar to GCast, record audio using your phone or VoIP, add to your blog.




Yackpack: Create your own “pack”.




Google Gadget error



VoiceThread: Create, Comment, and share audio and video.




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